Fruit and vegetables are synonymous with sustainability. The fruit and vegetable sector ensures the availability of healthy and sustainable food. The sector is committed to actively increasing its sustainability and aims to manage chains responsibly to ensure continuity in the availability of healthy fruit and vegetables.
In 2018, Fresh Produce Centre launched the sustainability programme. This sustainability programme of Fresh Produce Centre and the ambitions of its affiliates is in line with many of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) expressed by the United Nations. These include focus areas such as labour and human rights, solutions in the fields of logistics and packaging, waste prevention and upgrading residual flows. Attention to sustainable production is partly anchored in the '‘On the way to PlanetProof’ quality mark.
Sustainable development in the fruit and vegetable chains necessitates chain-wide cooperation, both in national and international supply chains. Sustainability themes differ for national and international supply chains. Problems and issues of a global nature are becoming increasingly visible for the fruit and vegetable chains. To minimise the footprint of the sector in a complex world, we work on creating dedicated and optimised supply chains. Collaboration, responsiveness, efficiency and transparency are the components to achieve this aim.