About us

Fresh Produce Centre represents the interest of companies active in the sale of fruit and vegetables and is a source of knowledge and inspiration.

The corporate story of the fruit and vegetable sector was launched last year. A 3.5-minute film called 'Future full of possibilities' about the power of the fruit and vegetable sector. The film can be found on the website Smakelijkweten.nl. As well as a lot of tasty facts about fruit and vegetables.

Guide to a

healthy generation

Through our ambitions we work towards a healthy generation


The members represent a share of more than 80% of the total turnover (fruit and vegetables) of € 18 billion (including grower associations). Fresh Produce Centre has more than 320 members. The members are trading companies and growers' associations that are involved in the marketing of fruit and vegetables. They specialize in domestic wholesale, import, export, processing, packaging and storage and transhipment of fruit and vegetables. View the overview of members.


Vacancies can only be found on our Dutch website.

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